Photo of Pascal Roy Mexico

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I consider my work to be New-Age Contemporary, with a touch of spirituality. I use primarily the human figure in combination with a dominant background of color and abstract formations to capture the emotions of the main figure. I enjoy especially painting female figures as their natural curves fits my style very well.
What is most important to me is the experience I take from each work of art, knowing that I have created a painting that is interesting and fun to look at. 

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59.06 x 59.06 in
59.06 x 59.06 in
39.37 x 59.06 in
62.99 x 47.24 in
17.91 x 23.82 in
17.91 x 23.82 in
59.06 x 59.06 in
59.06 x 59.06 in
31.50 x 47.24 in
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Photo of Pascal Roy Mexico

The Canadian-born artist Pascal Roy decided to live in Cuernavaca, perhaps a mild climate and natural beauty of the landscapes have become an incentive for its hedonism. Because the main purpose of the work of Roy is to create a world of undeniable beauty. Amazing task that requires a strong dose of valence when all his contemporaries appear to have proposed a creation based on the dark side of life and an obvious lack of interest in plastic technique. By contrast Pascal Roy uses technical language close to that of Renaissance masters, while their subjects are strongly linked to a modern point of view, in the worst sense of the term, \"what is fashionable, beautiful, slender creatures, happy children and all the trappings of New Age. A magnificent work of aesthetic pleasure that is sure to attract the eye of the finder's beauty.

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